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Biscayne Park
Fresh Meal Delivery


Are you feeding your little ones properly? A good way to ensure this is by checking that each meal you prepare contains the necessary nutrients to guarantee their proper growth.

Implementing a balanced and healthy diet at home is a task that requires weeks or months of learning and practice. Although it is a good way to start, it is not enough just to offer them healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats at every meal. You also need to know and use the food portions that each of your children requires according to their weight, height and frequency of physical activity.

At Healthy Xpress we want to help you establish better eating habits at home. For this reason, our group of nutritionists and chefs designed a healthy meal plan for kids, which will ensure that your little ones have an optimal physical and mental development.

We know your children will love it! How about including a couple of healthy desserts for your day? We'll be happy to help you. Contact us.

305-393-8735 - 954-666-4233